“Within Earth’s limited space, I search for photo opportunities. When they do come, I capture them with my Heart, my Mind and my Soul”

About Me
- CEO, Asia Photographers Union | 亚洲摄影家联盟总裁
- CEO, PhotoVivo Singapore | 新加坡怡丰摄影(PHOTOVIVO)总裁
- Founder, International Centre for Photography Excellence | 国际卓越摄影中心 (ICPE)
- President, Association of Photographic Artists Singapore | 新加坡摄影艺术家协会(APAS) 主席
- PSA Photo Travel Stars Rating Director | 美国摄影学会旅游组星级董事
- Associate Faculty Lecturer, School of Science and Technology, Singapore University of Social Sciences | 新跃社科大学(新加坡) SUSS 讲师
- Masters of Arts in Photography, University of Falmouth, United Kingdom (MA Photography) | 摄影文学硕士,英国法尔默思大学
- Master in Business Administration, University of Bradford, United Kingdom (MBA) | 工商管理硕士,英国布拉德福大学 (MBA)
- Degree of Bachelor of Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (B.Eng) | 机械工程学士,新加坡南洋理工大学 (B.Eng)
- Honorary Advisor , Professional Photographers International (PPI)
- Certified Master Photographer, Professional Photographers International (Travel)
- Certified Master Photographer, Professional Photographers International (Documentary)
- Gold Portfolio, The Photographic Society of America (GPSA) | 美国摄影学会金级会士
- Master of The Photographic Society of America (MPSA) | 大师级,美国摄影学会 (MPSA)
- Excellent Service to International Federation of Photographic Art (ESFIAP) | 国际摄影艺术联合会优秀服务会员 (ESFIAP)
- Excellence International Federation of Photographic Art (EFIAP) | 国际摄影艺术联合会卓越艺术家 (EFIAP)
- Fellow of The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain (FRPS) | 英国皇家摄影学会博学会士 (FRPS)
- Fellow of The Royal Photographic Society of Thailand (FRPST) | 泰国皇家摄影学会博学会士 (FRPST)
- Fellow of Asia Photographers Union (FAPU) | 亚洲摄影家联盟博学会士 (FAPU)
- Fellow of PhotoVivo Singapore (FPVS) | 新加坡怡丰摄影博学会士 (FPVS)
- Fellow of Association of Photographic Artists Singapore (FAPAS) | 新加坡摄影艺术家协会博学会士 (FAPAS)
- Fellow of Society of Photographers Singapore (FSPS) | 新加坡摄影家协会博学会士 (FSPS)
- Fellow of The Photographic Society of Singapore (FPSS) | 新加坡摄影学会博学会士 (FPSS)
- Fellow of The Photographic Society of Malaysia (FPSM) | 马来西亚影艺学会博学会士 (FPSM)
- Fellow of The Federation of Photography Associations of Thailand (F.FPT) | 泰国摄影联合会博学会士 (F.FPT)
- Fellow of Bangkok Photographic Society (FBPS) | 曼谷摄影学会博学会士 (FBPS)
- Hon.Excellence Federation Multicultural Photographic Art, USA (Hon.EFMPA)
- Hon.Fellow of The Royal Photographic Society of Thailand 泰国皇家摄影学会荣誉博学会士 (Hon.FRPST)
- Honorary Fellowship of Wildlife Photography Association of India 印度生态摄影协会荣誉博学会士 (Hon.FWPAI)
- Honorary Fellow of PhotoVivo Singapore (Hon.FPVS) | 新加坡怡丰摄影荣誉博学会士 (Hon.FPVS)
- Honorary Fellow of The Photographic Society of Singapore (Hon.FPSS) | 新加坡摄影学会荣誉博学会士 (Hon.FPSS)
- Honorary Fellow of The Photographic Society of Malaysia (Hon.FPSM) | 马来西亚影艺学会荣誉博学会士 (Hon.FPSM)
- Honorary Fellow of Singapore Colour Photographic Society (Hon.FSCPS) | 新加坡彩色学会荣誉博学会士 (Hon.FSCPS)
- Honorary Fellow of Kedah Camera Club conferred by the Sultan of Kedah, Malaysia Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Tuanku Sultan Kedah Darul Aman | 吉打州摄影学会荣誉博学会士 (Hon.FKCC) 由吉打州苏丹王颁发
- Hon.Fellow of The Federation of Photography Associations of Thailand (Hon.F.FPT) | 泰国摄影联合会荣誉博学会士 (Hon.F.FPT)
- Hon.Fellow of Photographic Society of New Jersey (Hon.FPSNJ)
- Hon.Fellow of Phoenix Photographic Society (Hon.FPPS)
- Hon.Association of Professional Photographers FotoClubPro Arad (Hon.FCPA)
- Hon.Fellow of Sigma Academy of Photography (Hon.FSAP)
- Hon.Fellow of PERSONA-International (Hon.FPI)
- Honorary Excellence Cercle des Artistes Photographs (Hon.ECAP)
Steven Yee is a celebrated Professional Travel photographer and a full time photography lecturer. He is an Associate Faculty Lecturer at Singapore University of Social Sciences lecturing on two core compulsory photography modules in the Multimedia and Technology Design Degree program. He is also one of the youngest to be conferred the Fellowship of the prestigious Royal Photographic Society UK in 2003 at age 24. Being a passionate photography educator, he teaches at Knowledge Bowl school of photography and practices his trade in travel photography with assignments from travel magazines. As founder of PhotoVivo, he runs the monthly international photography circuits and organises overseas photography trip. In 2015, he was engaged by ArtScience Museum to conduct a series of portraiture photography workshops in conjunction with Annie Leibovitz’s exhibition in Singapore. As President of the Association of Photographic Artists Singapore, he is instrumental in promoting photography exchanges between photographers in the world, notably the strong China-Singapore-Malaysia-Indonesia photo connection. His pictures have been published in Discovery Magazine, Silkwind inflight magazines and others. He covered an environmental documentary story “Delhi The Dump” with Mediacorp. Some of his works form part of the permanent collection in the contemporary section at the International Photography Museum (MIF) in Spain and he was featured in Discover Nikon gallery as one of the finest in Asia in 2006.
史蒂文STEVEN,余老师是一个著名的专业旅行摄影师和全职摄影讲师。他现任新跃社科大学多媒体技术设计学位摄影讲师。2003 年 24 岁年幼的他,获得著名的英国皇家摄影学会博学会士 FRPS。作为八千会员的 PhotoVivo 怡丰摄影俱乐部的创始人,他每月举办年度 PhotoVivo 国际摄影沙龙巡回展和举办海外摄影之旅。担任新加坡摄影艺术家协会主席,他推动国际摄影友谊,尤其中新马泰的摄影合作项目。Silkwind 航空机上杂志和其它杂志出版了他的照片。2007年他协助新传媒电台拍摄环境纪实性报道”德里废墟”。尼康亚洲在Discover Nikon画廊认同他为亚洲最优秀摄影家之一。